

IFS report for the second half of 2021

Since its inception the Insurance Foundation for Servicemen has been vigorously carrying out its mission of providing sustainable and equal compensation to families of all servicemen who fell or went missing, as well as servicemen who acquired 1st or 2nd degree disability due to war.

As a result of the 2020 war the liabilities of IFS grew ten-fold. Due to the mandatory contributions from Armenia and Artsakh and voluntary donations received from 70 countries worldwide IFS was able to stand by the Armenian soldiers and their families who suffered losses because of the war.

IFS is loyal to its principles of accountability and transparency adopted since day one. Here we publish the Report for the second half of 2021, reporting period June 1, 2021- December 1, 2021. 

The Report contains information on the compensation paid out, financial means collected, the new educational program, large donors and fundraising campaigns.

We would like to express our gratitude to all our donors, as well as taxpayers of Armenia and Artsakh who make mandatory payments each month. Our mission is made possible thanks to the contribution of every Armenian in the world.